They Get a First Mobile
You get Peace of Mind
“This is such a brilliant service… If every company providing services to children were as responsible, the world would be a better place!”
Sian Jones
Order ID: 1945
SIM-Only Contracts – cancel at any time
Overspending is impossible – these are the prices you pay, and there is no way the user can ever run up a surprise bill.

Looking for our famous All-Network Roaming SIM? Click Here
Trusted by 10,000+ UK parents and carers for:
Providing a mobile phone at an earlier age is the best way to teach responsible usage. The controls built into ParentShield make it safe for all children of any age. Our huge data bundles allow it to be used by teenagers also.
Out of the box we block all anonymous calls, to, or from the child’s phone.
If you are in a part of the country where mobile signals are poor, you would benefit from a true Roaming SIM that will connect to the strongest signal from multiple carriers. Otherwise our standard SIM is on the UK’s best single network ( EE )
ParentShield SIMS are particularly recommended for use where children may otherwise lose signal and need to call home.
ParentShield is a contract SIM that is totally capped. Any activity – such as SMS shortcodes, MMS, Premium Rate Numbers, Directory Enquiries etc. are Completely disabled and cannot be re-enabled!
No ParentShield user has ever created an unexpected bill, and never will.
Special Needs
Some phone users need more protection on their mobile phone. ParentShield is perfect for these special users. To accommodate older users we can provide tariffs that will be more appropriate for their specific needs.
Call us on 03301221180 for a chat.
Occasionally there are people who need to be unable to call the children in our care. ParentShield has sophisticated caller checking and blocking technology to keep users safe.
Blocked calls are not redirected to voicemail, or alerts which then remains as a vector for bullying or inappropriate contact.
Children’s homes, care providers, boarding schools, fostering providers all use ParentShield’s Pro SIMS to provide mobile phones to their Young People safely, with a host of special configurations and settings for use by corporate parents.
Call the Care Team on 03301221180 for details. Packages at:

UK’s Best Network or All-Network SIM
The standard ParentShield SIM connects to the UK’s best network. We also offer an All-Network roaming SIM and eSIM that attaches to multiple UK networks, and uses the strongest signal. Simply put – no network provides better coverage because we combine the coverage of all networks to protect our valuable users.
Ultra Secure – Call Blocking
The strongest blocking capabilities possible. Block absolutely everything and add chosen numbers to an allow-list, or block individual callers’ calls and texts with a single click instantly and without needing to touch the phone.

Unlimited Calls & Texts Home
ParentShield SIM cards have two “Home Numbers” that can be called, or texted, at any time, even if the user has run out of minutes or texts. Children should always be able to call or text home. Home numbers can be Landlines or Mobiles.
If data has run out (on the Roaming SIM, Safe Stage 2 or above), a simple button press will add ample more for location apps or instant messaging free of any charge.
Record All Texts
ALL text messages are recorded & stored in an online account for you to review.
Even if texts are deleted from the phone, they stay in your ParentShield Portal for you to check.

Record All Calls
ALL calls are recorded & stored in a secure online portal for you to listen to & download.
Even if you choose not to check recorded calls regularly – most customers don’t – you have peace of mind knowing they’re there. Just in case.
Spending Controls
ALL opportunities for extra spending are permanently blocked. Overspending is impossible!
Premium rate SMS, premium rate phone numbers, charity donations, telephone voting, ‘pay by phone’ subscription services are ALL blocked and will never be available.

Time Controls
Take full control over the times that your child can talk, text or use mobile data.
Set Bedtime and after that time the ParentShield SIM can’t call, text, or use mobile data. The only exceptions are for the emergency ‘Home Numbers’ and Emergency Services.
Budgeting Controls
With the Roaming SIM (Roam Stage 2 or above), you can use our unique Data Budgeting feature to set a daily data limit, helping data last smoothly throughout the month.
Instead of being able to use a whole month’s data allowance in one go, you can spread it out evenly.

Detailed Alerts
Be alerted instantly by text message to YOUR phone should a message to or from your child’s phone contain any concerning words or phrases, or even if your child starts communicating with someone you don’t know.
Why use ParentShield SIM cards for kids?
- The only Mobile Network designed for Children
- All-Network SIM provides stunning UK coverage
- Know and control who they are talking to
- Monitoring capabilities not available on other mobile networks
- Teach responsible phone usage from day one
- Unique parental controls
- Impossible to overspend
- Cancel any time
- Provide any phone of your choice
- SIM cards for children’s phones
- Stop phone usage after bedtime
- Special plans available for older users or children in care
- Features and systems that can cope with complicated families and living arrangements
- All numbers are registered with the Telephone Preference Service before they are issued