We are:
Engine Mobile Ltd. Pioneer House, Derby, DE73 7HL. Co. Reg. 10697643 VAT: GB297931349
Engine Mobile ParentShield are an MVNO – A Mobile Virtual Network Operator; but we’re not totally virtual! We produce SIM cards that are true UK roaming. They will connect to whichever network is the strongest, wherever you are. This provides the very best signal and network available. We are telephone system developers and programmers and proudly own and secure our own interchange hardware that links to the other networks. That’s how we can cram so many features into our service.
ParentShield doesn’t only provide outstanding mobile coverage, but a unique and highly powerful ability to record all activity to and from our SIMs. We provide this service to help parents & guardians keep their children safe & record any inappropriate activity with a child. All of the SIMs activity is reviewed & controlled by the account holder from a secure online account, away from the child’s phone. The child will have no way of bypassing or deleting recordings.
About Engine Mobile’s ParentShield MVNO
The ParentShield network is a division of Engine Mobile Holdings Ltd. – the pioneering UK market leader of online sales generation through the provision of online pricing systems and the innovative telecoms and systems that power it. We developed the first online ‘price engine’ in 1999 which has been used to provide over 2 million quotations since that time. The Company has gone on to develop call centre and telephony solutions, including the secure call recording service used today by its 14,000 customers. It’s this technology that provides the reliable and secure carrier-grade backbone for the ParentShield mobile service.
We may not be a name you recognise but we have provided services to many well-known large companies over the past two decades. Our connectivity has grown over this time allowing us to do many things that other MVNO can’t, or certainly don’t want to. All our systems are our own, from customer service to fintech, and through our SMS, voice and data platforms. We are constantly developing and improving everything that we do. We’d love you to be a part of it.
Our own infrastructure
Most MVNO will typically use an ‘off the shelf’ platform for voice, SMS, billing, customer service etc. ParentShield develops all its own systems so is able to build what is right for our markets.
Roaming MVNO
ParentShield offers SIMS backed by two different MNO to provide the best resilience possible and maximum flexibility. In the UK the SIMS from both platforms will attach to all networks to provide the ultimate in coverage.

Here we are getting our new fibre optic connections for the main and standby connections to our Network Operations Centre in South Derbyshire.
To discuss corporate opportunities please contact: partners@parentshield.co.uk +441283707057

For press releases, stories or photo opportunities contact:
press@engine-mobile.co.uk (journalists only)
Or telephone 01283 707057 and ask for ParentShield Press

If you are looking for a sponsor, or have sponsorship opportunities, please send outlines to:
01283 707057