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Fair Use Policy

ParentShield Network Fair Use Policy

This policy describes the intended usage of the Service. The Service is intended only for the usage for which it has been designed and it’s important for the stability of the service, and the safety of all users that the Service is used for the purpose it has been designed.

Continued excessive usage may result in additional charges, however, as we guarantee no surprise bills, we will be in contact with the account holder to ensure they are aware there is a problem and discuss. This necessarily means that other protections need to be in place and it is always our intention to work closely with Subscribers to be able to provide a suitable safeguarding network.

Intended use

The Service is intended for personal, non-commercial use as a mobile telecommunications service for the education, communication and protection of young ( 6-12 years of age ) or vulnerable users with a similar usage profile. It shall not be re-sold, re-purposed or used in any other way.

SIM use

The ParentShield SIM card may only be used in a single, personal, hand-held mobile telephone by a child or other vulnerable person of the age and special requirements declared by the Customer. It may not be used in a SIM gateway device or connected to any other device, computer, network or system or for any other purpose. It may not be modified. Any Artificial Inflation of Traffic, or usage that is excessive or illegal will result in termination of the agreement as described in the Terms and Conditions. PAC Codes are designed to allow legitimate users to maintain vital personal contact. Any unauthorised users will not be provided with PAC codes in the case of Termination.

Reputation or Legality

The Service may not be used in any way that endangers our reputation or the stability of our communications network. Any such usage or disclosure will cause the Termination of the Agreement as described in the Terms and Conditions.

High Usage

In cases where a user vastly exceeds that of our average user or exhibits levels or patterns of usage that may indicate that the use falls outside the intended purpose of the Network, we reserve the right to trigger Termination in accordance with the Termination Policy. Usage exceeding 1000 units in a monthly period will result in a request to moderate usage, contribute to costs, or automatic blocking of excessive actions. Repeated failure to moderate usage will result in Termination or migration of the contract onto a more suitable tariff.

All ‘network’ type services are designed around the needs of the “average” user. All networks, as well as your electricity company, and water company, are designed this way.

If a user exceeds a certain level, there will be a series of notice emails sent across the month to alert you. Should the usage remain at that level, we will downgrade the account to a prepay PAYG model.


Tethering of the mobile phone is not permitted.

   Copyright 2018-2024 Engine Mobile Ltd. Pioneer House, Derby, DE73 7HL.  Co. Reg. 10697643    VAT: GB297931349  ParentShield™ and all content in this website belongs to the publisher and may not be reproduced without permission. Prices include VAT unless stated otherwise.