For a Child’s SIM, In our experience, Vodafone marginally edges Three and EE for its rural coverage. The Network’s urban coverage is strong and there are many ParentShield Customers choose Vodafone coverage with their Child’s SIM card. The company has a very strong legacy 2G and 3G network and is the oldest Mobile telephone operator in the UK – having been split from military telecoms provider Racal in the early nineties.

The robustness and connectivity of Vodafone makes it an ideal choice for a network to use with a ParentShield SIM Card for a child.
Vodafone controls a large share of the < 1GHz mobile spectrum in the UK and so benefits from the greater range afforded by longer wavelengths. See a chart of Mobile Radio Frequencies on our blog about mobile signal blockers. The 33-37cm wavelength of the 800 and 900MHz bands being superb for wide-spread coverage particularly from high altitude masts. Hilltops and the like, and can cover as far as 20 miles. The Longer Wavelength bands also tend to diffract better than shorter wavelengths – meaning there may be better coverage inside and behind buildings in the shadow of the signal.
Vodafone’s legacy military connections means it provides many of the UK’s Core Mobile features for the emergency services and services like 999, 111 and the 119 Covid reporting line so it is trusted by many people for their Child’s SIM card. At ParentShield we are big Vodafone Fans.
ParentShield’s Vodafone Super-Roaming SIM allows parents to provide all the security and safety benefits of the Parentshield Portal while tapping into the proven and reliable Vodafone signal for their Child’s Mobile Phone.
Getting Vodafone coverage for your Child’s Mobile Phone
If Vodafone is your favourite network, simply place an order for any of the ParentShield SIM Plans and choose Vodafone at the checkout. We will ensure your SIM will then connect to to the Vodafone Network. We have a help guide to choosing networks also.
Vodafone is particularly good for a First Mobile phone as the network is a truly global one and beautifully solid and reliable. And if you are going abroad, you are likely to find a Vodafone core network in many countries as well as the in the UK. ParentShield has roaming agreements with 157 networks at present, so even if your Child’s Vodafone SIM can’t connect to Vodafone abroad in Europe, then it will find one of our other network partners
Is a Vodafone Children’s SIM the best option?
Don’t Panic! have a read of our network selection guide for more details. Super Roaming SIM will actually connect to O2 and Three UK as well so we can guarantee coverage in areas that even Vodafone will not cover.
A first Phone on Vodafone for a child is particularly a great option if you have a rural location as this network’s out-of-the-way coverage is second to none – although 4G and 5G coverage is right up there with that of the other Networks. Chances are you have experience in your area with your own phone and will know what will be best for you.
Vodafone Childrens SIM Card FAQ
To use a ParentShield SIM on Vodafone, the phone will still have to be unlocked to all networks. Fortunately that should be easy to do.
Yes – for its rural coverage, core technology and long-term stability, Vodafone is a great option if you prefer to go for a single-network child’s SIM card.
Yes – your SIM card on Vodafone for your child can come with the safety, monitoring and control features of ParentShield by specifying Vodafone as your preferred network at checkout.
Yes, Vodafone can provide ‘extra sim’ family plans but getting a Vodafone SIM in your Parentshield Portal is the only way to have the ParentShield monitoring, control and security features.
Like all the adult mobile networks, Vodafone does provide some basic parental control features. Putting your ParentShield SIM on the Vodafone UK network provides you the advanced monitoring, control and reporting features of the ParentShield Network, coupled with the solid and reliable Vodafone coverage and powerful Core network.
Yes. If you live in an area of the UK where Vodafone provides the best coverage. ParentShield can combine that with its monitoring, control and budgeting features.
ParentShield Customer Service for your Child’s Phone
While Vodafone isn’t legendary for its customer service, ParentShield is! By using the Vodafone Children’s SIM card option at our Checkout means that you get all the help and support that you may ever need from our dedicated Child SIM Specialists.
ParentShield is in a great place to be able to provide the specific help and support that Parents need for their child’s first, or second mobile phone.
Unlocking a Vodafone contract phone to use a ParentShield SIM Card
The good news is Vodafone has been shipping unlocked phones for a while now, so the first step is to try inserting the ParentShield SIM in the phone, and restart it. If it doesn’t work, then the phone IS locked [:sad face:]
Here is the link to Vodafone’s Unlocking tool: it will be easiest if you are in a position where you still have a Vodafone mobile contract for this or another phone and have a Vodafone SIM available as this will help. Otherwise it’s sometimes necessary to obtain a Vodafone PAYG SIM and have that in the phone to get the unlock through.
Vodafone eSIM
Vodafone Pay monthly customers can enjoy the flexibility of an eSIM instead of a physical SIM, but if you’re looking for an eSIM to protect a child, ParentShield is a great alternative.
Time needed: 20 minutes
Remove Vodafone Network Lock and obtain an NUC
- Double check that the phone is locked.
Insert a ParentShield SIM in the phone and restart it. Wait 10 minutes and see if there is a network connection showing. If there is, job done, nothing else needs to be done.
- Contact Vodafone
Everything you need is available through this link :